About Us
- Grace M. Nicholson (1878-1966) was a graduate of West Aurora High School.
- From 1902 to 1949, she was a teacher and later principal of the Montgomery School (named in her honor in 1962).
- During her entire teaching career, she was absent only one day because of illness.
- Even inclement weather did not keep her from school. When the streetcars could not run because of snow on the tracks, Nicholson walked from her home on View Street to the school in Montgomery.
- Miss Nicholson was an extraordinarily dedicated teacher who used her personal funds in 1911 to start a library at the school.
Montgomery School Teacher & Principal 1902-1949
First Montgomery School opened in 1891
(photo taken in 1903)
Grace M. Nicholson Elementary SchoolÂ
Constructed 1961
649 N. Main Street
Montgomery, IL 60538